Engineering Geology

Hybrid seismic surveying is instrumental for a preliminary geotechnical assesssment of the subsoil with infrastructural projects.

Key benefits

  • Be aware of all hazards related to geologically unstable areas
  • No costly bore holes required or slash the number of boreholes by drilling at meaningful locations only
  • Detection of faults and decompaction zones
  • Assessment of mechanical rock properties
  • Recognition of karstified zones
  • Delineation of the bedrock surface
  • Area-wide investigation
  • Environmentally friendly – no or negligible field and crop damage
  • Applicable also in urban areas
  • Fast field data acquisition, daily progress 1 – 2 km
  • Readily available evaluation results within 2 – 3 days


Example 1: Road bypass tunnel project

Area wide hybrid seismic survey using five profiles for optimal positioning of the tunnel:
Kitzbühl Situation Map

Interpreted hybrid seismic section (line 13KITZ-5 in red) clearly maps the bedrock surface and was used for the positioning of various boreholes:Kitzbühl Hybrid Seismic SectionDownload high resolution version

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Example 2: Early structural investigation of the subsurface for the extension of a motorway by one lane

Detailed survey in the region east of Basel (Switzerland) known for its wide spread karst leaching features:
Engineering Geology Example 2 - Situation Plan

P-wave velocity field derived by analytic refraction tomography inversion allowed the detection of ongoing karst leaching in a 90 m long and up to 35 m high dissolution zone with the potential of a developing, and eventually capsizing cavity:
Engineering Geology Example 2 - Seismic ProfileDownload high resolution version

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Example 3: Geotechnical dam site investigation in Turkey using p- and s-wave seismic data surveying

Situation map of the seismic profiles:
Engineering Geology Example 3 - Situation Plan

High resolution hybrid seismic survey using p- & s-wave refraction tomography with a non-intrusive derivation of spatially continuous dynamic elasticity moduli (Young’s modulus E, shear modulus G & Poisson’s ratio):

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Engineering geology references (351)